About Us

Welcome to the website of the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) Branch of UNISON. UNISON is by far the biggest union in NWAS and is the United Kingdom’s largest union with more than 1.4 million members.

This site has been created to give you, our members as much information as possible and to allow for better communication between members and their representatives of which we have more than any other union.

All of your representatives work for NWAS and they do same job as you so anything that affects you also affects them in exactly the same way. All of our stewards are ERA accredited so you can be confident that they know what they are doing, and they have to renew this accreditation every 5 years.

We are proud to represent over 4,500 members that includes frontline ambulance staff including the Patient Transport Service, Emergency Operations Centres and 111, Workshop Staff and Corporate members.

Our continuing growth each year is a clear demonstration of the service that we provide to our members and we continually strive to improve on this day by day. If you have any ideas to improve our site, please contact us and let us know.

Contact Us

You can view the contact details for all our stewards on this website and on noticeboards or the new electronic wall boards on stations. 

If you would like to advise the branch of a change in your details, you can do so here

If you would like to contact the branch regarding anything else, you can do so here


To see our latest NWAS UNISON member briefings please click here.

Please click here to view our Branch Secretary's Blog 

Winner of our Monthly Prize Draw for £50.00

July 2024 Philip Solway