Branch Secretary's Blog

Jeff Gorman

July 2024

Hopefully, by the time you read this, we will have a new Labour Government. Unfortunately, we will not see immediate benefits arise as they have to address the issues that have been left behind for the Tories. Many of you will be too young to remember when Labour ousted the Conservatives from power. What I can say is those of us who were around at that time saw tremendous improvements as a result of the NHS being funded properly. Let us hope that we see this again. Please do not waste your vote.

We have updated our NHS pay page, you will find the link at the top of the page. It has the latest information available to us and we will update the page as soon as we have any news. We should have had our pay rise on April 1st and that has been further delayed by the announcement of the General Election. We now have some pay contacts who have volunteered to help us disseminate the information, if you fancy helping out please let us know.

I want to take this opportunity to personally thank one of our most active reps who many of you will know. Ann Sumner has now retired, not by choice I must add as she fought to stay. As a Branch, we are pleased to say that we are employing Ann for a few hours per week so she can continue to support our members. Unfortunately, as a result of some objections internally, we have been unable to keep Ann on some of the consultative groups which is a real shame as she has a great deal of experience and a lot to offer. Ann ….. Thank you!

On a final note we would like to wish Ged Blezard a long and happy retirement and welcome Dan Ainsworth as our new Director of Operations. We look forward to working with him and his team going forward.

That's all for now, please feel free to contact me at any time if you want to chat.