Our lodge is now open for bookings for 2024

As part of our commitment to provide our members in NWAS with a local Welfare Facility, we have bought a lodge which is located in Windy Harbour Caravan Park in Poulton-le-Fylde. NWAS UNISON members can stay at the lodge if they are unfortunate enough to encounter hard times or any other personal issue. If you feel that you would benefit from a break, simply contact your Area Convenor who will make any necessary arrangements. You can also apply to stay when it is vacant. (Limited to 1 period every 24 months).

Click here to download the application forms

Front View

Patio Area

Disabled Ramp


Master Bedroom (En Suite)



Outside Bar

Our facility is normally available to use March - November.

For further information on our lodge or UNISON welfare, please contact Scott McAughtrie, our branch welfare officer. 

Scott McAughtrie

Branch Welafre Officer
